The last two years brought a monumental shift in the personal and professional lives of many people. With the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic, the most seen trend in every organization is remote working. Not only working trend changes to remote, but hiring trends also changed to completely remote. According to studies, this is going to be the time of the big remote work shifts. There will be a global massive change in work from home policies and employee management across the industries.
Change in the Working Model
The new trends will be a combination of remote work and onsite work depending on the work pattern. Employee management in the altered working model will also take a different route. Most of the employees found commuting a bit difficult and time-consuming, when they have the remote working option, they can be more flexible and productive in work. Also, there are people who like to come to the office and work because it will provide better interaction and much easy to find a solution when there is a problem. So many organizations will start moving to a hybrid working method i.e. a combination of remote and onsite working.
Cloud-Based HR Technology Adoption
Massive adoption of cloud-based HR technology is seen in most companies to provide seamless work experience to all remote workers. Having a cloud-based HR technology will help to keep the remote workers engaged and productive. New HR platforms like CredCV will have built-in support such as virtual hiring, employee onboarding, performance appraisal, and even the employee offboarding process.
Definitely, an office environment will provide a positive attitude and better relationships and create space for growth. One of the disadvantages of remote working is a lack of employee engagement. Employees have to put extra effort to develop their engagement virtually to make sure that they have access to new opportunities. With the implementation of cloud-based HR Technology, employees can participate in virtual events, can conduct online meetings, etc. So lacking employee engagement can be avoided to a limit with the integration of proper tools. As a result of this, the usage of tools such as video interviewing, online technical skills assessments, and online soft skill assessment has increased to a certain level.
Cybersecurity Concern
Cybersecurity is always the greatest concern of all time. While working remotely the organizations are more focused to make the data accessed by the remote working employees are secure. So, it is expected to see more investments in IT and cybersecurity in the coming years. Cybersecurity people have put a large effort into supporting business functionality thereby protecting the organization and its customers in the remote working season.
Flexible Work Time
Since the employees are working from home, most of the organization has given the flexibility to work according to the employee’s convenience. Quality of work and meeting deadlines is the ultimate goal. The tradition of assessing the log-in time and calculating the average time they are working is slowly fading away.
Performance Management
The adoption of remote working has altered performance management considerably. As we discussed above, the organizations are focused on the quality of the work and are the work getting done on or before the deadline. The management is more focused on monitoring the employee performance rather than monitoring the working hours. The employers want to get maximum employee efficiency, for that the employers need to see what employees are doing. So, to oversee the production and collaboration and make sure operational efficiency they need to invest in performance management tools. Managers need to do a continuous evaluation of employee performance in order to meet the expectations. In this new normal time, managing remote workers can only be possible by setting ultimate goals and by identifying performance metrics.
Office Space Utilization
When remote working becomes part of normal life, the need for large spacious office space will eventually become something in the past. It can help employers to save a huge amount. Complete remote working organizations with no headquarters will form as other companies reduced office space for hybrid working or to save on cost. The idea of the face-to-face meetings will be for team building, brainstorming ideas, or for an introduction of new projects, etc. Remote working days are for the job that can be done individually. Office space can be remodeled into large meeting spaces by getting rid of small cubicle spaces for gatherings and team meetings.
Future of Remote working
Organizations and employees have found much freedom and flexibility in the remote working method. Productivity level when an employee work from home is also found steady, the work nature is easier to manage for both employees and employers. With the help of CredCV HR Management platform, employee management will be easier and more productive. So, it is believed that the work from home trend is going to stay here for a long time. However, the number of people performing work from home will decrease in the future when some companies decide to reopen and return to the office for working from the office completely. Since already working from home has become the best choice for many, the chances of vanishing the trend completely are rare.
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