When you recruit someone for your business, you see all the talent in that person which is competent enough for the role. But if you notice over the month, that the person is not performing to the mark as you expect. He is constantly missing deadlines, turning up late, providing incomplete reports, and more. When you expect him to do it all by himself without babysitting or correcting the mistakes constantly but what you get is a poor performance from the employee, then you have no other go than to let him go.
Before Terminating an Employee
Terminating an employee on an impulse is sometimes unsafe for your business. You have to be clear about the reason before terminating the employee to reduce the liability. Also, it is essential to make room for improvement and make him clearly understand what you are expecting from him. Also, going through the hiring process like, recruiting, hiring, onboarding, and training a new employee is ultimately expensive.
But sometimes termination is unavoidable in certain circumstances. At that point, there are best practices to follow for a disciplined process. Especially if you would like to conduct a performance-based termination in a proper way.
Documentation is the key to provide clear evidence on what has happened. It will help to avoid arguments and unwanted discussions. It is good to note down the informal conversation as well, it acts as a friend of yours to defend your decision.
Effective communication with respected team members or managers is pivotal before taking an action against the employee. If you have taken the decision on the basis of the poor performance, you can utilize the CredCV platform for the performance revision information, where you get the overall performance data easily to review employee performance.
Always create space for improving employee performance by giving proper training and make them understand their flaws. Give deadlines to finish their goals and note them down for future purposes. Some cases like attendance and behavioral issues have to be addressed by verbal counseling, if it is note seems effective employers can depend on the platforms like CredCV to report behavioral and ethical issues. If you feel like you are not seeing any improvement and still making similar mistakes, address them and keep a note of what and when you have addressed them. This will be helpful when there is a time you consider termination.
How to terminate an employee
You have put all the effort into improving the employee performance, still, you are not able to find the required improvement from the employee side, the final option left is to discontinue the employment. When you have the documentation of the under-performance of the employee it will be easy from your side to make a move.
Before initiating the process of terminating the employee, make sure to review all associated documentation. Inform the legal counsel and HR department for further procedure. If you are using any employment contracts, you should have a word with legal counsel to provide enforcement guidance.
When you don’t want the person to feel bad about it, you can present the situation on a different kind, the performance-based termination as a layoff or request the person to resign. Also, it is always advisable to talk about the decisions earlier on the weekdays, so that the person won’t dwell on the new life reality on weekends.
Performance-based revisions are always easy to calculate with CredCV Performance Appraisal Feature. You are able to set goals and objectives for future work and set appraisals for past works. There is an option to do monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or yearly based reviews according to your requirement.
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