Using portal, an employer can blacklist an employee. Blacklist is a process of warning future employers about the unethical behavior of employees in the past by cur employers. Although blacklist is frequently used as a terminology, it never existed in practice…until CredCV came into existence.
The Current Process – Global
Employers usually maintain a do-not-rehire-list for their own personal use but was never shared with other employers. Usually on a background check, such employers may open up about the unethical behavior when asked, but never proactively.
Current Process in India :
Along with Global process, NASSCOM along with Skill Ministry created a database called NSR Database which turned out to be damp squib. The reasons are multitude, primary among them is the fact that it only worked for NASSCOM members and primarily focused in the IT sector. It involved paying NASSCOM hefty fee to become a member and not to mention the additional cost of becoming NSRDatabase member. The signup process was too cumbersome and the process too complicated. Process:
A simple AADHAAR card (India) or Citizen ID (World Wide) example Social Security Number (SSN) based solution that can help the entire world. The employer signup process is simple and is usually completed in a few minutes. Once approved, the companies can start placing employees in the Blacklist warning employees and acting as an employment verification system. The cost to enroll is minuscule and can save millions for organizations.
Legality of Blacklist:
Even in the most stringent regulation world wide, the employers are prohibited from sharing the data but are allowed to share the info in a background check when asked. CredCV is using such a process where employees data is shared not proactively but shared when an employee is giving out the consent to a future employers. Hence CredCV is in the righ side of law “always”.